Registered lawyers in Luxembourg

The profession of lawyer is regulated in Luxembourg by the law of 10 August 1991

Pursuant to the law of 10 August 1991, the profession of lawyer, in Luxembourg, is performed in a free and independent manner.

Lawyers in Luxembourg can practice either individually or in law firms with legal personality

It is only lawyers registered at the Luxembourg bar who are authorized to represent parties and plead on their behalf before Courts, provide legal advice.

As Luxembourg lawyers, LG Avocats is able to represent its clients before commercial courts, civil courts, or labour Courts.

In general the introduction of a procedure before Luxembourg Courts involves:

  • drafting of a formal notice prior to introducing the claim;
  • drafting and filing of the writ of summons (in French language);
  • exchange of conclusions, as the case may be, in civil procedure;
  • preparation of the pleadings;
  • analysis of all the documentation provided by each party;
  • vacancy to the Court to plead the case;

It should be noted that in order to introduce a civil or a commercial claim, there are bailiff costs which are around 200 Eur for the notification of the writ of summons. There are no court fees in Luxembourg. Lawyer’s fees are in principle borne by the client. The Court may grant a procedural indemnity (“indemnité de procédure”) to the successful party (most of the time around 1.000 Eur or 2.000 Eur). As a general rule, the unsuccessful party bears the bailiff costs and other expenses.

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